One3rdnerd’s Blog

LinkBucks Experiment – Earn Ad Revenue When People Leave?

So, a couple of days ago, we began experimenting with LinkBucks advertising on our “Web Essentials” page on and I wanted to give a little feedback.

Basically LinkBucks is completely FREE and allows you to make ad revenue from other peoples websites, blogs, or content. Setting up my account was straight forward, and it was pretty easy to generate the links. You simply get the link in full, that you want to put on your page, and submit it to your LinkBucks account. You then select whether the link is “clean” or not (adult content), decide what sort of advert you want, and choose a link extension.

I decided to opt for the “top banner” option, as this allows you to remain more professional looking, and an “intermission” or “pop up”. I also chose over the extension option, as again, it looks a bit more professional.

Once generated, you simply use the url they generate instead of your existing one, and when people click the link, they will be redirected to the website intended, with the addition of one advert at the very top.

Id love to hear from people who have been using this service themselves, or anyone else who is interested in starting.

To sign up, click the Linkbucks image below. Yes they run a referral service, on a three tier basis, Always interesting to experiment, and see what the potential is, as this is an exciting method of monetizing your website.

LinkBucks - Click Here to Try Now... (FREE)

LinkBucks - Click Here to Try Now... (FREE)