One3rdnerd’s Blog

LinkBucks Experiment – Earn Ad Revenue When People Leave?

So, a couple of days ago, we began experimenting with LinkBucks advertising on our “Web Essentials” page on and I wanted to give a little feedback.

Basically LinkBucks is completely FREE and allows you to make ad revenue from other peoples websites, blogs, or content. Setting up my account was straight forward, and it was pretty easy to generate the links. You simply get the link in full, that you want to put on your page, and submit it to your LinkBucks account. You then select whether the link is “clean” or not (adult content), decide what sort of advert you want, and choose a link extension.

I decided to opt for the “top banner” option, as this allows you to remain more professional looking, and an “intermission” or “pop up”. I also chose over the extension option, as again, it looks a bit more professional.

Once generated, you simply use the url they generate instead of your existing one, and when people click the link, they will be redirected to the website intended, with the addition of one advert at the very top.

Id love to hear from people who have been using this service themselves, or anyone else who is interested in starting.

To sign up, click the Linkbucks image below. Yes they run a referral service, on a three tier basis, Always interesting to experiment, and see what the potential is, as this is an exciting method of monetizing your website.

LinkBucks - Click Here to Try Now... (FREE)

LinkBucks - Click Here to Try Now... (FREE)

Hamster Power Plant, is it the Future of Energy??
The future of electricity?

Could hamsters be the answer to developing clean energy in the future..? Well, not exactly, but they could hold the key. Scientists have managed to harness the energy-producing power of hamsters, and this could be a vital first step in satisfying the energy needs of tomorrow.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, this is the inspiration for scientists who know we could solve the problems of energy creation and maybe even global warming, if only we could capture a small amount of the energy emitted by living creatures

Here comes the nerdy bit. The hamsters were fitted with tiny detector jackets which capture the biomechanical energy they release as they move and exercise. Dr Zhong Lin Wang of Georgia University’s Nano Research Group developed the flexible jackets, which are fitted with wires plugged into a nanogenerator that produces energy when they are bent and stretched. It is the first demonstration of a live animal producing current with nano-generators. Experts believe the technique could one day be used to capture power produced by humans. The technology could be ready to be fitted into clothes within five years. It would capture energy produced not only when humans are active, but also from smaller movements such as when people are sat at computers.

Wii Bombing!

I cannot believe how every few months pass, and I tell myself yet again, “I would buy a Wii just for that device”.

This Wii protoype has been designed by German student Martin Lihs, and he is currently developing it to work with pc etc. I am most excited at the possibility of it having photoshop functionality to the device. This may sound rediculous, however the standard Wiimote has already been hacked to be used with pc, and can act as a very interesting midi controller within a music sequencer program like Ableton Live. The possibilities are endless, hmm, think I better write a blog about it! 🙂 One3rdNerd

Visit the Official Site –

Video of the Wii mote being used as a midi controller in ableton

For Info on how to make your wii mote work as a midi device – Click Here

WordPress Infectious Contest
February 10, 2009, 12:15 am
Filed under: Art & Crafts, make money, Uncategorized

So, the contest has been launched, and sounds very exciting. Im always interesting in ways of helping designers and artists to show their work off in new formats, and with new media’s.

One3rdNerd plans to enter this contest shortly, for now, we are busy doing what we do best, and thats creating One3rdNerd Content! 🙂

Rupert De Lagetto

Windows 7? ponders

So, windows 7 is on the verge, and the beta is currently being tested worldwide, if it wasn’t for my killing my Vaio, leaving me with one laptop, I would have been testing it myself. However the reason I’m excited about it, is simply the way they have incorporated touch screen technology, and the fact they have re-done explorer.exe from scratch.

This video isnt new, but does highlight some of the features that will be exciting to both the average users, and the creative users.

Explorer.exe has supposedly been rebuilt, and thus much faster, I hope this is true, because it has been dragging for some time now. A boring fact, but on to the interesting one..

If you can use your desktop or laptop with touchscreen, then there’s a whole lot of new possibilities, from artists, to musicians, and graphic designers to web designers, many will reap the benefits.

A musician on the go will be able to use their screen like a midi controller, whether they’re playing some keys, or turning nobs. A whole lot more of this can now be “hands on”, with the ability to alter switches, mod wheels and notes in reason, ableton etc, and have the changes recorded in real time, this is truly amazing news. Even in studios the engineers will have the ability to use a large touch screen as their mixer, having the ability to download new operating system software for their touch screen running on windows, Mac will embrace this also at some point, I’m sure they have seen the creative possibilities, and with this being their high end target market, they will no doubt cater for this.

Graphic designers will be able to sketch on their laptops whereever they are, without needing an accessory like a wacom pad or graphics tablet.

Soon, web designers will be building their designs using their fingers to move boxes of colour, text, and modules to different areas of their site, resizing them as they go.

I think these improvements will help users connect better with their tools, in this case the tool is a computer, and although the keyboard and mouse are hear to stay, this “third” hand if you like, will add a lot more functionality, and if the Internet, web designers, and web developers embrace these new tools then maybe web 3.0 is around the corner?

Peace Out

Oliver Pennyweather

One3rdNerd Team

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Hello world!
December 25, 2008, 5:07 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello World! One3rdNerd Lands! This blog is dedicated to being part of and will be used to update the community with regular updates and relavent information. Team